Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Looks like I can pinch more than an inch!

Harley here... Mom and dad took me for my yearly exam and it looks like all of the extras passed tome by the mini bi-ped are paying off...I gained 9 pounds!!!!

That puts me at a whoping 99 pounds! Keep in mind, I am VERY tall...mom says I am crossed with great dane .

Now Flora...she's a bit of a chunk! When she came to our house as a foster sister, she was so skinny that she could squeeze out next to the gate (silly girl would get out and want nothing more but to get back in!!!) Then THEVET found out that she had a very bad infestation of tummy bugs!!! After they got cleared up, FloFlo puffed up like a balloon...ok...a ballon filled with butter...Mom has been trying to keep her on a diet but she just never loses any weight! Flora is also very tall...and she has big bones... LOL!!!!

I'm pretty sure I heard Mommy say something about EVERYSIBE going on a diet after the howlidays...I don't like the sounds of that at all...I guys I better make the most of it until then!!! See ya'll 'round the dinner bowl!


MJ's doghouse said...

oh dear...diets are never a good thing....you better tell your mom that your new years resolution is to keep up your present body image...mom would not want to go changing your new years resolution would she

MaPaw said...

Wow Harley, you are bigger than I am! My mama has been using the D word too. Uh oh.

The Army of Four said...

How do I get one of those baby bipeds? They sound GREAT!
Hope you don't have to go on a dye-it. I like you as a black and white. Woooooo!

Khady Lynn said...

I totally understand that whole "diet" thing. I was rescued a year ago, starving and only 79 pounds. So my new human started the fattening up process, only she went a bit too far. Now, at 119 pounds she is putting me on a diet. Ummm, excuse me, not my fault! She fed me, I ate everything she gave me like a good Malamute, and now I get to diet? Who put her in charge anyway?
